山竹长在哪里 山竹长在哪里图片

About the size of a plum, the mangosteen has a super sweet fruit underneath its waxy purple exterior.

山竹长在哪里 山竹长在哪里图片

山竹和李子差不多大,但是在它柔软的紫色果皮下隐藏着甜美可口的果肉 。
【山竹长在哪里 山竹长在哪里图片】In Indonesia, it is common to make tea and jams out of the mangosteen, since it is extremely sweet. The fruit is also touted as a cure to some health ailments, although the science is out on that.
在印度尼西亚,比较普遍的吃法是山竹泡茶或者做成果酱,因为山竹本身非常甜 。据说这种水果还有治病的功效,但目前还没有科学研究能证明这一点 。
Try this mangosteen cocktail to cool down on after a hot summer day.
你也可以在炎炎夏日的午后来一杯山竹鸡尾酒清爽一下 。
Another Southeast Asian fruit, starfruit (also called carambola) is common in India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. The entire fruit is edible, including the greenish yellow skin.
另一种南亚水果是杨桃,常见于印度、印度尼西亚以及斯里兰卡 。杨桃全身上下,包括那层黄绿色的果皮,都可食用 。
It has a sweet, crisp, and juicy taste, and can be used fresh in salads or in this recipe for a starfruit, orange and mango smoothie for a summer treat.
杨桃的口感甜脆多汁,新鲜的杨桃可以用在沙拉中,也可以和橘子芒果一起做成水果奶昔,堪称夏日饮品必备呢 。
The rambutan is common in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
红毛丹常见于泰国、马来西亚、越南以及菲律宾 。
'Rambutan' is Malay for hairy, a pretty appropriate name for this fruit that could be straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. Underneath the red and spikyflesh there is the sweet, white fruit. The spikes are actually pretty soft so you can bite into the fruit, or cut it open.
“红毛丹”在马来语中是“多毛”的意思,这一极为贴切的名称取自Seuss博士的书中 。红毛丹在红色、尖锐的外表下隐藏着甜美的白色果肉,外表的那些刺看似尖锐,实则柔软,你可以直接把它咬开,或是切开来吃 。
Try rambutan gelato on a hot summer day. Your taste buds will thank you.
在炎炎夏日试试红毛丹冰淇淋吧,这可是味蕾的极致享受 。
Passionfruit has become an extremely popular flavor around the world, but grows best in tropical regions in Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina. The size of a baseball or smaller, the inside of the fruit is filled with juicy, gooey, seedy deliciousness.
百香果近年来风靡全世界,但它的主要产地是巴西、巴拉圭以及阿根廷北部 。百香果约有一个棒球那么大,有的甚至更小,藏在百香果里面的是黏稠多汁且美味的籽和果肉 。
Passionfruit is great in desserts and cocktails.
百香果非常适合加入甜点或鸡尾酒中 。
Probably one of the brightest and coolest-looking fruits in the world, the dragonfruit —or pitaya —tastes like a combination of a kiwi and a pear. Originally from South America, pitaya is extremely common in Thailand and Vietnam as well.
火龙果大概是世界上长得最酷炫夺目的水果了吧,它尝起来就像是猕猴桃和梨的结合体 。火龙果产自南美,但是在泰国和越南也很常见 。
The fruit comes in three different varieties, white flesh, red (really bright magenta) flesh, and yellow flesh: all equally delicious. This dragonfruit shake is sure to become a summer staple.
火龙果有三个不同种类,分为白色果肉、红色果肉(非常明亮的洋红色)和黄色果肉,当然每一种都很好吃 。火龙果奶昔非常适合作为夏季的主要食品 。