南开大学简介 南开大学在哪

南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪

【南开大学简介 南开大学在哪】
南开大学简介 南开大学在哪


南开大学简介 南开大学在哪

南开大学(简称南开,Nankai University),于1919年始建,坐落于天津市南开区,是中国教育部直属的重点综合性研究型大学,属于“211工程”“985工程”“世界一流大学和一流学科”,是“学府北辰”之一 。
南开大学由严修、张伯苓秉承教育救国理念创办,1937年校园遭侵华日军炸毁而南迁,与北京大学、清华大学在长沙合并组建国立长沙临时大学,1938年迁往昆明,更名为国立西南联合大学;1946年回津复校并改为国立;新中国成立后,经历高等学校院系调整,成为文理并重的全国重点大学;改革开放以来,天津对外贸易学院、中国旅游管理干部学院相继并入 。
截至2020年1月,学校占地445.19万平方米,校舍建筑总面积197.90万平方米;有专业学院26个、本科专业92个;有一级学科硕士点11个,专业学位硕士点27个,一级学科博士点31个,二级学科博士点1个,博士后科研流动站28个;专任教师2162人;全日制在校学生28557人,其中本科生16372人,硕士研究生8322人,博士研究生3863人 。
Nankai university
National key university
Nankai University (Nankai University for short), founded in 1919, is located in Nankai District of Tianjin City. It is a key comprehensive research University directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of China. It is one of the "Project 211", "Project 985", "World First-Class University with First-Class Disciplines", and is also one of the "Beishen of Universities".
Nankai University was founded by Yan Xiu and Zhang Boling with the philosophy of saving the country through education. In 1937, the campus was blown up by Japanese invaders and moved to the south. In 1938, it was merged with Peking University and Tsinghua University in Changsha to form the National Changsha Temporary University. In 1946, he returned to Tianjin to resume school and became a national college. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the university has gone through a readjustment of its departments and departments, and has become a national key university with equal emphasis on the arts and sciences. Since the reform and opening up, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade and China Tourism Management Cadre Institute have been merged into each other.
As of January 2020, the University covers an area of 4.4519 million square meters, with a total building area of 1.79 million square meters. It has 26 professional schools and 92 undergraduate programs. There are 11 master's programs in first-level disciplines, 27 professional master's programs, 31 doctoral programs in first-level disciplines, 1 doctoral program in second-level disciplines, and 28 post-doctoral research stations. 2162 full-time teachers; The total number of full-time students in the university is 28557, including 16372 undergraduates, 8322 postgraduates and 3863 doctoral candidates.