雅思董事长 雅思刘薇创业( 二 )

回答这个问题的时候,很多同学都困扰着应不应该把学校的全名报上来 。其实对于考官而言,几乎所有的学校都是陌生的,所以对名字的对错不会太敏感,问题是说名字的时候不要把单词读错,实在难讲的校名就直接用拼音拼出来,再附上相应的解释或是补充信息 。
3 What do you usually do at school?
Like most college student, I have lectures to attend, and sometimes stay in the library checking the magazines and references. I enjoy outdoor activities very much and often participate in those. Of course I have to allocate sometime to my friends, chatting and going for recreations.
和多数大学生一样,去上课,有时在图书馆查看杂志或是参考资料 。我很喜欢户外活动,所以经常参加 。当然,我也要分一些时间给我的朋友们,聊聊天或是出去玩玩 。
回答这个问题要注意不要只是说自己学习读书听课泡图书馆,这样只会和其它考生在内容上雷同,而且营造书呆子形象,应该再加上一些体育活动,社交活动或是娱乐活动,要对方相信自己是全面发展的 。
4 Do you feel happy at school? (Do you like being a student?)
⑴Yes, I am happy at school. I enjoy the atmosphere on campus. I am enabled there to choose my favorite courses and to indulge myself in the great campus activities with a bunch of great companions.
是的,我很开心 。我很喜欢大学的气氛 。我能够选择我喜欢的课程,可以和一票好友们尽情参加学校的活动 。
⑵Not really. We are not given much freedom in school. There are restrictions everywhere from the way of dressing to the time we go to bed. I’m in desperate need to breathe some air of freedom.
不是很喜欢 。在学校也不是很自由 。从穿什么到晚上几点睡觉,都有限制 。我真的很渴望自由 。
通常回答问题的原则是不仅要说是什么,还要告诉为什么 。但不是说对每个考官提出的问题都要长篇大论一番,应该根据具体情况对回答问题的详尽程度加以调节,或简或繁交替进行 。本话题可以向多方面展开,选择面比较广,如环境,图书,教师,课程,运动等等 。但要记住,胡子眉毛一把抓的效果只能是添乱,倒不如抓住一两个易于展开的点 。
5 What’s your major? Do you like it?
⑴My major is Tourism Management, and I like it very much. I have been dreaming of being a tour guide since I was really young, because that means traveling around the world and tasting all the delicious food.
我的专业是旅游管理,我很喜欢 。我从很小的时候起就梦想着能当一名导游,可以游遍世界和品尽天下美味 。
⑵ I major in Accounting, and to be honest, I’m not quite keen on it. I chose it because I thought it would offer me a good job. But I now realized I don’t have any interest in those numbers. This time I’m going to choose something I really enjoy.
我学会计的 。老实说,我并不十分热衷 。我选它是因为找工作比较容易,但是现在我明白了我并不喜欢那些数字 。这回我要选一个我真正喜欢的专业 。
雅思天后刘薇7.10雅思口语权威预测我收集到的:3月5日口语权威预测(天后刘薇 )
Part 1
1. study or work
Do you study or work?
What’s your major? Why do you like it?
What was your favoritesubject when you were in the middle school? Why?
2. flat or house
Do you live in a flat or house?
What is your flat like?
What can one see from your window?
What are on the walls of your room?
3. garden
Do Chinese people have privategardens?