职场英语学习 职场怎么学英语


职场英语学习 职场怎么学英语

为什么沟通中总是如此频繁地产生误解?我们应如何在自我表达时,尽可能地减少挫折感呢? 下面这个4分多钟的小视频,让我们在学习英语的同时,更得到了知识,提升自己的能力 。
提供5段听写字幕(要点部分)和中文版本作为参考,其余部分小伙伴们可以自己练习哦,对英语提高非常有效呢 。
Passage one
Have you ever talked with a friend about a problem, only to realize that they just don't seem to grasp why the issue is so important to you? Have you ever presented an idea to a group, and it's met with utter confusion? Or maybe you have been in an arguement, when the other person suddenly accuses you of not listening what they say at all.
What's going on here? Why does miscommunication occur so frequently, and how we can minimize frustration while expressing ourselves better? Below, Katherine Hampsten explains how to avoid miscommunication.
你是否曾和朋友谈论过一个问题,却发现他们似乎不明白为什么这个问题对你如此重要? 你是否曾向一个群体提出过一个想法,而却让人完全不能理解? 或者你曾和他人争论时,对方突然指责你完全没有听他们所的话 。
这是怎么回事? 为什么沟通中总是如此频繁地产生误解?我们应如何在自我表达时,尽可能地减少挫折感呢? 下面,Katherine Hampsten解释了如何避免误解的产生 。
Passage Two
The fact is, even when faced to face with another person in a very same room, speaking with the same language, human communication is incredibly complex. But the good news is that a basic understanding of what happens when we communicate can help us prevent miscommunication.
事实上,即使人们在同一个的房间面对面地交流,即使双方说的是同样的语言,人类的沟通是非常复杂的 。不过好消息是,对沟通过程有个基本的了解,可以帮助我们避免误解 。
Passage Three
It's possible to think of communication between people as a game of catch. As we communicate our message, we receive feedback from the other party. Through the transaction, we create meaning together.
可以把人与人之间的沟通看做是一个捕捉游戏 。当我们在传达信息时,我们会收到对方的反馈 。通过交流,我们共同创造了意义 。
Passage Four
But, as humans, we can't help but send and receive messages through our own subjectivelenses. When communicating, one person expresses her interpretation of a message, and the person she's communicating with hears his own interpretation of that message. Our perceptual filters continually shift meanings and interpretations. In that case, maybe communication is more like a game of catch with a lump of clay. As each person touches the lump of clay, they shape it to fit their own unique perceptions based on any number of variables; like knowledge or past experience, age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or family background. So, as the lump of clay goes back and forth from one person to another; reworked, reshaped and always changing, it's no wonder our messages sometimes turn into a mush of miscommunication.
但是,作为人类,我们只能通过我们自己的主观透镜来发送和接收信息 。在交流的时候,一个人表达了她对信息的理解,而和她交流的人听到的是他自己对这个信息的解释 。我们的感知过滤器不断地在意义和解释间变换 。在这种情况下,也许沟通更像是一场一团黏土的捕捉游戏 。当每个人接触到黏土的时候,他们就会根据一些变量来塑造其独特的理解,比如知识或过去的经验、年龄、种族、性别、种族、宗教或家庭背景 。所以,当一块粘土在一个人和另一个人来回穿梭时,它被重新修改,重新塑造,一直在发生着改变,难怪我们的信息有时会变成一团的误解 。