托福听力听写训练如何练更高效( 二 )

主旨题分为目的主旨和内容主旨 。
目的主旨: 考查对话目的而非内容,即两个说话者的对话目的和教授讲这篇文章的目的 。目的主旨一般出现于conversation中 。
目的主旨典型问法:Why does the student visit the professor?
Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?
Why did the professor ask to see the student?
Why does the professor explain X?
内容主旨: 要求考生理解讲座或对话的主旨大意 。材料有时会明确提出主旨,有时会很含蓄 。要求学生对听到的信息进行归纳总结 。
内容主旨典型问法:What problem does the man have?
What are the speakers talking about?
What is the main ideaof the lecture?
What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?
关于解题技巧大家应该首先注意的是这两种题型与大家词汇量的多少无关 。也就是说,词汇量即使很少也不会给这两种题型的解题造成障碍 。首先要听准开头;特别是开头句型,之后找出对话目的;如果开头没有把握准,那么要注意全文重复词汇;最后要听准关键词并对实义词(名词、动词、形容词)足够敏感 。那么,如何听准开头呢?在conversation和lecture的开头中,有的文章会出现寒暄部分 。
e.g.1 A : Hey, how is everything going?
B: Well, everything is going fine.
e.g.2 A: Hi, are you Paula?
B: Oh, hi, Jim. Nice to see you!
在这些寒暄之后说话人A说Do you need some tutoring in English? 说话人B说:yes, I am taking
English composition and my English is not very good.
这才是文章的真正内容,也就是文章的主旨!所以选项的相应部分选择的是:She needs a tutoring appointment!
在lecture中,有时教授上来不会直接切入正题,而是先会寒暄几句 。
例1:有个教授上来先说I am sorry that I didn’t bring your paper, and it took longer to
grade than I thought. So I will bring you the paper next class. Today, I want to
continue our topic about Renaissance. 所以“I am sorry that I didn’t bring your
paper, and it took longer to grade than I thought. So I will bring you the paper
class.”这句话都是在说与文章主旨无关紧要的话 。而真正与文章主旨有关的是以today开头的这句话!所以,显而易见,这篇文章的主要内容就是Renaissance(文艺复兴) 。
例2:In the last class, we discussed the Jazz music history. But today, I am
going to talk about the development of the jazz music. 那么很显然,In the last class,
we discussed the Jazz music history.这是上节课讲的内容 。在强转折but之后,老师紧接着说I am going to talk
about the development of the jazz music. 那么,文章的主旨也就很明确了 。
在了解了如何在文章的开头抓主旨以后,我们再来看一下引导文章主旨的信号标志词,以便我们更好地定位选项 。
·today we will talk about...
·today we will discuss...
·today we will look at...
·today we will tell...
·today we will spend several minutes in...
·today we will focus on...
·today we will concentrate on...
·'ve, -ed
·will, be going to
注意点:在第三条中,动词过去式和过去分词后面引导的都是上节课涉及到的内容,所以即使大家听到了discuss这个词也可以放弃这部分内容 。而只要听好并把握准today后面要讲的内容即可,也就是be
going to/will
后面引导的内容!那么,about就是一个经常引导主要内容的一个介词 。这个词很关键,要求听准其后面的宾语是什么!因为这个宾语就是解题的关键 。