外贸合同模板怎么写 外贸合同正规模板( 三 )

5. 乙方书面订货单得到甲方确认后,乙方在收到甲方确认函后三天内支付货款总额的30%给甲方作为预付款,其余70%须在甲方发货前三天支付给甲方 。付款日期均为货款已到达甲方账户的日期 。
After the written order of Party B is confirmed by Party A, within three (3) days upon and from the receipt of the letter of confirmation from Party A, Party B shall pay to Party A 30% of the total payment for goods as advance payment; within three (3) days before the delivery of the goods by Party A, Party B shall pay the remaining 70% to Party A. The payment date shall be the date on which the payment arrives at the A/C of Party A.
6.货币结算单位为美元 。All transactions shall be conducted by USD.
第七条 合作产品质量Quality of Products
(1) 按照中华人民共和国标准执行(中华人民共和国国家标准或部颁或企业具体标准) 。
According to the standard of the People’s Republic of China (the specific standard of enterprises or issued by the Department or the People’s Republic of China)
(2) 但乙方所要求生产的产品质量标准高于(1) 标准的, 乙方必须在甲方开始生产之前向甲方提出书面要求.
Where Party B requires that the quality of the products is higher than as specified in (1), Party B shall submit to Party A the written application before the production.
(3) 在本合同期内,每一批合作产品的数量和计量单位、计量方法、货差规定及计算方法另行约定 。
Within the period of validity of this contract, the quantity, measurement, freight shortage, and computation of the products of each lot shall be specified otherwise.
第八条 交货与运输Delivery and Shipment
1. 每份经甲方确认后的订货单,甲方应在收到乙方全部货款后3个工作日内发货 。
For each order confirmed by Party A, Party A shall deliver the goods within three (3) working days upon and from the receipt of all the payment from Party B.
2. 发生人力不可抗拒因素(不可预测、不可避免、不可克服等),使甲方不能按时供货或乙方不能按时交付货款的情况除外 。
Except Party A fails to deliver the goods on schedule or Party B fails to make the payment for the force majeure (unpredictable, unavoidable and insurmountable).
3. 乙方可自行来甲方指定地点提货,亦可委托甲方代办航空、快递等形式的托运 。甲方承担铁路行包或汽运及保险的费用(如铁路,公路运输) 。如乙方要求特殊运输方式(如航空和快递),需出具委托书,运输和保险费用由乙方承担 。甲方发货后,将提货单及发货票随后寄给乙方 。
Party B may come to the site appointed by Party A for goods and also may entrust Party A to handle the air transportation and express delivery on behalf. Party A shall bear the expenses of freight charges and insurance expenses (for example, railway and road transportation). Where Party B requires special transportation mode (for example, air transportation and express delivery), Party B shall provide letter of authority and bear the freight charges and insurance expenses. After
the delivery of goods by Party A, Party A shall send the bill of goods and invoice to Party B.
4. 乙方提货时必须当场开箱验货 。如发生货物缺失、破损等,乙方应在提货当天向甲方提出书面通知甲方 。并由相关承运部门提供货品缺失、破损证明,由双方协商处理 。
When taking delivery of the goods, Party B shall make an unpacking inspection on the site. Where any shortage, damages or loss is found, Party B shall notify Party A in written form in the same day. The relevant carrier shall issue the certificate of loss or damage, and the event shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties hereto.
5. 交货时间:根据合作期内每一次合作的具体情况另行确定 。